Indy Sign Factory’s maintenance plan is a smart and affordable way to protect your investment.
We manufacture our signs with high quality materials that are built to last, but signs, like all products, are prone to wear and tear over time.
Outdoor signs are exposed to wind, storms and changing temperatures,lit signs may need new bulbs or wiring, and all signs need to be maintained to keep them looking fresh and new.
If your sign needs repaired, contact us. We can fix it.
Once your sign is in good working order, consider our maintenance plan. We will visit your sign at least once every three months to make sure it looks its best.
Maintenance can include a simple polish, a fresh coat of paint, changing bulbs, or identifying issues before they become big problems.
Our maintenance plan ensures your sign is in working order, giving you the best return on investment as possible.
Want to learn more about our maintenance plan? Fill out the form and let’s talk!